Each Anna module includes 8x 1-in exit / 35mm voice coil HF compression drivers loaded on a proprietary HF horn that expands to fill nearly the entire face of the enclosure. 4x 5-in MF cone transducers, arranged in two columns of two, use Radial Phase Plugs™ and Concentric Summation Array™ technology to enter the horn and sum coherently with the HF wavefront. Dual 10-in LF cone transducers use Offset Aperture™ loading to increase the spacing of the apparent acoustical centers, extending effective horizontal pattern control well into the LF range.
The module’s horizontal symmetry ensures coherent summation without anomalies through the crossover regions that result from physically-offset acoustic sources. This provides consistent, HF dispersion and broadband pattern control in the horizontal plane. Each Anna module includes a field-replaceable power and processing unit with 14 channels of digital signal processing and amplification to drive each of the module’s 14 transducers.
Via Resolution 2 software, Adaptive Performance controls all performance parameters of the total array to develop an asymmetrical output profile shaped so that all listening locations as defined by the user receive nearly identical response. By carefully crafting the size and spacing of the transducers, EAW engineers enabled Anya to create radical coverage patterns (i.e., narrowly focused and directed almost straight down) while maintaining an appealing, musical sound quality.